Get Involved with SC4K
Donate Now
Shoes and Clothes for Kids needs your help to ensure that the shelves of the SC4K Free Store shelves are fully stocked with shoes, school-appropriate clothing, school supplies, classroom resources, and more. Your tax-deductible gift to SC4K ensures that the 45.5% of local children who live in poverty have what they need to get to school and focus on learning. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.
Please make a financial contribution today to make an immediate impact on local students, teachers, and families!
Donate by Mail
Mail your check to:
Shoes and Clothes for Kids
15500 South Waterloo Road
Cleveland, OH 44110
When writing your check, please be sure to double check that you spell our name properly:
Shoes and Clothes for Kids
Donate by Phone
Please call 216-881-7463 x 108 to make a credit card donation over the phone.
If you need further information, please email development@sc4k.org.
Shoes and Clothes for Kids has earned the prestigious 2024 Platinum Transparency Seal from Candid, placing us in the top 10% of charities nationally. We also achieved Charity Navigator's coveted Four Star Rating for the 19th year in a row!
Volunteers Make Our Work Possible: