Partners and Sponsors

Partners and Sponsors
Shoes and Clothes for Kids (SC4K) relies 100% on the support and dedication of the community for the success and continuation of our free programs for area students, teachers, and families in need.
The generosity of individual donors, corporations, and foundations is incredible and allows us to carry out our mission each day. We do not receive any United Way or school district funding and we receive limited government funding.
In addition to the thousands of hours that our individual and group volunteers contribute to SC4K, financial support is needed to underwrite the balance of program-related costs.
When you support the SC4K programs, you play an essential role in covering costs and ensuring their continued success. Partnership options are flexible – you can support us monthly, for specific events or commit for an entire year! Mix and match these options to maximize your company’s impact on local education and receive benefits including publicity and in-person volunteer opportunities to showcase your brand to SC4K supporters and those who receive our services.
2025 Program Partners

2024 Program Partners

Shopping Cart Sponsors

Download the Program Partnership Opportunities Guide
For more information, contact Culeen Carey, Senior Development Manager, at ccarey@SC4K.org or 216-881-7463 x108.
Volunteers Make Our Work Possible: