SC4K, You & Your Classroom
Shoes and Clothes for Kids serves over 10,000 kids and 4,000 teachers every year. Please see the information below to see if you are eligible to shop and how you can register for a teacher shop.
Shoes & Clothes
Please provide your parents a link the For Parents page so they can find the distribution partner in their area. Or call our referral line at (216) 472-2585 to find the closest distribution center nearest the child's house.
School Supply
Each week, Cleveland Kids In Need (a program of Shoes and Clothes for Kids) receives new shipments of lots of great items for you to use in your classroom and to pass on to your students. These items include basic supplies, craft items, books, furniture and more. If you teach at an eligible school, all of these are free to you!
Read on for more information about this program.