What a Par-Tee! Recapping Our Topgolf Par-Tee to benefit SC4K
Close to 100 supporters came to “putt with a purpose” at Topgolf Independence on Sunday, February 18 for Topgolf Par-Tee, a new event for SC4K coordinated by the Associate Board. The event’s goal was to create a family-friendly fundraiser to replace our beloved Luau on the Lake and raise critical funds for the organization. “With the 25th Annual ARAMARK/Golf Classic later this year, Topgolf is a venue that will appeal to our current and new supporters, while introducing something fun and exciting to our menu of special events that aligns with our mission,” shared Monica Lloyd, SC4K Executive Director.

Golfers relished a sunny “Sunday Funday” on the third floor of Topgolf. Sponsors who purchased a bay received lunch and space for up to six golfers to enjoy an afternoon of high-tech golf fun. “My family definitely enjoyed our afternoon. Topgolf makes it easy for golfers and non-golfers alike to take a swing and enjoy the moment while you wait for your and others’ scores. It’s like the modern bowling alley,” shared Tyler Wynne, SC4K Board Member and event Co-Chair.
Tyler and his co-chair Kristen Greff, and the entire event planning committee worked hard to make the day enjoyable for all, meeting almost weekly in the months leading up to the event. “We wanted to make it a memorable day full of camaraderie and special touches so attendees will want to come back again next year,” Kristen shared. “On the way out, attendees were given a party favor-an SC4K logo glass containing a homemade chocolate golf ball sucker!”
Attendees also enjoyed browsing our raffle items, which included a Cleveland Monsters Suite, Guardians Tickets, Playhouse Square Tickets, a men’s trail bike, a Topgolf Platinum Membership, libations, and more! Although nobody got a hole-in-one, our special hole-in-one contest raised extra funds for SC4K and added a competitive edge to the afternoon.
Many thanks to our generous sponsors, donors, event volunteers, and everyone who purchased a raffle ticket. Thanks and appreciation also go to the planning committee co-chairs and committee members, who worked tirelessly to ensure this first-year event would succeed!
Schauer Group, Inc.
LongView Financial Partners
Bob Avila
Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff
ESPN 850
Playhouse Square
SC4K Associate Board
Topgolf Independence
Kristen Greff
Tyler Wynne
View more event photos on Flickr (link to https://www.flickr.com/photos/shoesandclothesforkids/albums/72177720314946377/)
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